Call for Papers:

Ph.D. Forum at IGSC’17

Final Submission Deadline
July 16, 2017

The 8th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC)
Orlando, Florida, USA
Oct 23-25, 2017

Paper submission due: July 16 , 2017
Notifications sent to authors: July 17, 2017
Camera-ready papers due: August 5, 2017

The Ph.D. Forum at IGSC’17 will provide an international forum for doctoral students engaged in research on sustainable and energy-efficient computing and/or computing for a more sustainable planet to present their work to fellow researchers and practitioners in the green and sustainable computing community. The forum includes a poster session during which the students can present their work and receive constructive feedback for completion of their dissertation research. The Ph.D. Forum is intended for students who have already settled on a specific research topic and have some preliminary results, but still, have enough time remaining before their final defense that they can benefit from the forum discussions. Accepted submissions will appear in IGSC’17 proceedings.

Please visit the web site for additional details and submission guidelines.