Archive of posts tagged: ACM SIGARCH

From the Editors’ Desk — 2021 Edition
The past year has certainly been eventful. Hopefully, there were a few “victories” along the way — surprising (and not so surprising) research results, accepted papers/proposals, qualifier defenses, graduations, chip tapeouts, and product releases. No...
Questions About Policies & Processes in the Wake of JIC
On February 8th, 2021, ACM publicly announced a summary of the Joint Investigative Committee’s (JIC’s) investigation into allegations of professional and publications related misconduct in our community. The announcement stated that there were several individuals who...
Genesis and Reflections on the Return of Industry Products to ISCA 2020
Problem: The Disappearance of Product Papers from ISCA Industry research groups in computer architecture (like at IBM, Intel, and NVIDIA) have as much support for architectural exploration and publication as academic groups, but product groups certainly don’t. Few...