Archive of posts tagged: Methodology

RE-gem5: Building Sustainable Research Infrastructure
RE-gem5 is a directed effort to rejuvenate the underlying infrastructure of gem5. RE-gem5 is not a new simulator or a new project; it is a project to enhance and support the current gem5 infrastructure. The community-developed gem5 infrastructure is one of the most...
A Checklist Manifesto for Empirical Evaluation: A Preemptive Strike Against a Replication Crisis in Computer Science
In 2009, Dr. Atul Gawande, a surgeon at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, published The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right, describing his experience using checklists to reduce the risk of errors. Gawande observed that a number of serious...
Three Other Models of Computer System Performance: Part 2
With two blog posts, we argue for more use of simple models beyond Amdahl’s Law. Part 1 previously discussed Bottleneck Analysis and Little’s Law, while this post (Part 2) presents the M/M/1 Queue.