Archive of posts tagged: Persistent

Using Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory for In-memory Graph Analytics
Intel Optane DC persistent memory modules are like DRAM in form factor and can be configured as volatile main memory, persistent memory or as a combination.

Easy Persistent Memory Performance Wins
Mainstream non-volatile main memory (NVMM) is just around the corner: Intel is opening up access to their 3DXpoint technology to a broader range of companies, and we are gradually learning more about the technology. Despite our growing understanding, the question of...
Recognizing Great Work (New and Old) on Non-Volatile Memories
Earlier this month, the 9th annual Non-Volatile Memories Workshop took place on the UC San Diego campus. This year, for the first time, the organizing committee created three awards to recognize some of the best work (new and old) in the field of non-volatile memory...